
Dark Tower (Super Colour)

The Dark Tower is a character and place in Stephen King's Dark Tower series of novels. It sits in the middle of a field of blood red roses at the edge of Endworld past the white lands of Empathica. Soot grey and over 600 feet tall it is the ultimate picture of power. Slit windows spiral up the edifice and at the top there is a beautiful oriel window which contains glass the colour of the entire Wizard's Rainbow. In the center of the oriel window is the last colour, the colour of Black Thirteen. The deepest onyx orb completes the window to make it appear like an eye staring out at the world. This building holds together all worlds of the multiverse. It is a magic being, a magical place and it is in grave danger of collapsing. One man is on a mission to see the Tower but on his way he acquires friends and together they learn they must also save it.
--I highly recommend Stephen King's Dark Tower series to everyone who loves a good story of fantasy with reality thrown in. The series starts with "The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger" and ends with a 7th book called "The Dark Tower: The Dark Tower". Book 2 is a strenuous journey to get through but it is necessary for the series, so if you get discouraged and bored while reading book two, try keep on going, it's worth it.
-------The Dark Tower (Super Colour) was created using watercolour and watered down acrylic paint. A minute bit of coloured pencil was added to the road. The super colouring was adjusted using GIMP and Arcsoft 5.5. My tower varies from the one in the book. The scan cut off the roses on the bottom, which is a damn pity because they came out great. Oh well, the picture was too big for the scanner and there's not a whole hell of a lot i can do about that.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read the book, but I love the picture. The perspective is wonderful.


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